I'm pleased to welcome you to our new HotelTalk blog. This is something that I'm personally very excited about, as I think it brings a new dimension to the excellent coverage our group already brings to the lodging industry.
Over time, we'll have all of our editors contributing to the blog with their thoughts. We have a fantastic team that covers four print magazines: Hotel & Motel Management, Hotel Design, Luxury Hotelier and The Hotel Times.
For those of you new to the "blogosphere", as it's called, blog is short for "web log". Blogs are, by their nature, a little more personal, more conversational—sort of an online diary. By no means are we stepping back from our team's insightful features and superb news analysis; you'll still find that on the pages of our magazines and on our Web sites. Instead, we're adding to our experienced coverage of all things lodging by giving you this more casual look at how we see the industry changing.
Blogs are not one-way streets. Although the entries will be written and posted by our staff members, we welcome your comments, questions, disagreements, etc. Each post has a link below it to send a comment, and we'll gladly post your follow-ups to our entries.
I look forward to interacting with you on HotelTalk, and please pass the link on to any associates in the field whom you think may be interested.