Did a U.S. president, senator, representative or other White House-level elected official ever stay at your property? Got a picture? Share it with us!
Got a pretty strong opinion about who you're planning to vote for and why? Tell us!
The editors of Hotel & Motel Management are putting together a special August issue that highlights how the upcoming election will affect the hospitality industry.
To round out our news coverage, we want to get you involved. Please contact Editor in Chief Stephanie Ricca at sricca@questex.com if you would like to share:
• A photo of a U.S. president staying at your property*
• A photo of you with a U.S. president*
Also, contact Stephanie if you would like to participate in a short Q&A about your presidential opinions.
Editors reserve the right to publish contributions and photos in the August 11, 2008, issue of Hotel & Motel Management.
*All hard copy photos will be returned.
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